Saturday, 30 November 2013

Something new and a discount :)

The next size of the toritextil-fannies! LARGE :) 
width: 27cm/10,5"
height: 16cm/6,5"
depth: 9cm/3,5"

And from where is the idea? I needed a bigger.. again...... :D Because I never have enough room for my stuff.. So this green one is mine, the first piece. But we made more ;)

on this picture from left to right: normal size, big size, large size
 They are special, because they have a lot of pockets: the main is as usual, and one in the back as well, but it has a smaller under the main, and two inside! What do you think? Does anyone need huge hip bags or just me? :)

And from tomorrow to Tuesday you can buy them for a cheaper price, because there's gonna be a 30% discount in my etsy shop! Just use the coupon code by the checkout: CHRISTMAS30

Thursday, 21 November 2013

New fanny packs :)

This is my favourite picture about the last hip bags, I hope you like it too :)

Fannies and purses :)

Saturday, 19 October 2013

First attempts with shrink plastic

Inspired by the leaf-drawings what I made earlier.

I tried to print on them, I mean I copied my drawing to a shrink plastic, and the result was quite good :)

And they are my very first attempt. I drew them with the pen on the picture. They are a bit tiny, but I like them :)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


The theme of the month is 'leaves'. But I found some other interesting plants :)

I simplified it in just black and in plane.

I designed some patterns as well.

And I played a little with colours and paints.
I'd like to collect interesting inspiration, draw, paint, practice more and more.. :)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The theme of October: leaves

Today is first of October, so time to start a new theme :) Which is of course is autumn, leaves, browns, reds, yellows, ochres and some green.. :) 

Október egy van, itt az idő új témát kezdeni :) Ami persze mi más lehetne, mint ősz, levelek, barnák, pirosak, sárgák, okkerek és némi zöld.. :)

I've collect some fallen leaves

and some pattern-plans inspired by the leaves

and here is an earlier brooch inspired by a leaf :)

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The theme of September: coffee

It's a little bit late to start a new theme this month. But I didn't have time earlier. I changed a job. This inspirated the theme of this month: coffee.. So I work in a caffe :) I can make and see a lot of beautiful, delicious, interesting coffee every day.

Egy kicsit kèsô most kezdeni egy új tèmàt. De koràbban nem volt idôm. Munkàt vàltottam. Ez ihlette a hònap témáját: kávé.. Szóval egy kávézóban dolgozom :) Rengeteg gyönyörû, finom, érdekes kávét látok és készíthetek nap mint nap.

this picture was inspired by Cara Carmina and Viktorija aaand coffee of course :)
I started to draw just simple quick drawings about cups, coffees when I started the job. And then I let inspired me by them :) 

Egyszerû, gyors rajzokat kezdtem készíteni a csészékrôl, kávékròl, mikor elkezdtem dolgozni. 

I hope you can read my handwriting :)
The first brooch is a 'coffeebean', the second is a 'cup of coffee with cream on top' (seeing from above). :)

So they are my new brooches inspired by coffee.

Remélem, el tudjátok olvasni a kézírásom :)
Az elsô bross egy 'kávébab', a második egy 'csésze kávé habbal' (felülnézetbôl). :)

Szóval ôk az én kávé inspirálta brossaim.

Monday, 16 September 2013

A brooch..

Nowdays I don't have any time to continue my blogpost-series, but I will soon :) And I barely can create something.. But sometimes I can.. :)

Mostanában nincs időm folytatni a bejegyzés-sorozataimat, de hamarosan fogom :) És alig tudok alkotni is valamit.. De néha megy.. :)

brooch inspired by the leaf in the back

Friday, 6 September 2013

Two collections based on brown

Sometimes I like making collections.. Maybe someone has a really good sister or friend and they like similar colours and they would like to use similar fannys.. maybe :) So there are three bags in brown and mustard and three in brown and mauve - I hope you'll like them :)

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

fannys on models - just pics :)

I like taking photos of my fanny packs on a model or a manikin. I show you a few pieces :)

I like yellow colour.. :)

This picture is my model's idea, who is my sister, Fanni - great idea, isn't it? pink and ochre clothes with a pink and yellow fanny - good for the summer or for sad rainy days

photo of a fanny with my mum's help on my sister by my father :)

favourite warm colours :)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

my favourite etsy seller - week six: Cara Carmina

My favourite etsy seller this week is Cara Carmina :) 
The reason why I chose them now: I think I don't have to explain why I chose her... her things are fantastic special. I adore these dioramas :)

check Norma's shopblog and fb-page :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)
click here for the other etsy sellers on my blog

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

my favourite etsy sellers - week five: Oana Befort

My favourite etsy seller this week is Oana and Jeremy Befort :)
The reason why I chose them now: I am cheerful when I saw their graphics, they are colourful and happy and their flowers are beautiful :)

check their shop and website :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)
click here for the other etsy sellers on my blog

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

my favourite etsy sellers - week four: karoArt

My favourite etsy seller this week is karoArt :)
The reason why I chose her now: I love ceramic things.. I love! Fortunately I could try it some time at school, it is a fantastic material, and she uses it wonderful!

check Karo's shop and website :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)
click here for the other etsy sellers on my blog

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

my favourite etsy sellers - week three: Mierya W

My favourite etsy seller this week is Mierya W :)
The reason why I chose her now: I bought some so cute things from her a few weeks ago, so now I can smile every time when I watch them :)

these are mine :)

check her shop :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)
click here for the other etsy sellers on my blog

Monday, 27 May 2013

my inspiration - week three: 1960's

I think about 1960's, and words and pics are coming into my head: yellow, mustard, ochre, peace, calm, relax, music, hair, colorful, sky, flowers, heart, sunshine... of course these words, right? :) but they are so beautiful.. I'd like to lay on a field, among flowers, bathing in sunshine, and thinking about nothing... just being happy, so simple..

1.  own photo from our street
2. Janis Joplin
3. via
4. own photo
5. own photo from Flower Market, Columbia Road, London

For more weekly inspiration click here!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

my favourite etsy sellers - week two: botny

My favourite etsy seller this week is botny :)
The reason why I chose her now: I love dots, and her earrings are cute dots mostly :) And everything fits to each other: the name, the shape, the cards behind the earrings..!

check Dana's fb page, and etsy shop :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)
click here for the other etsy sellers on my blog

Monday, 20 May 2013

my inspiration - week two: Chloe

This week I am inspired by a girl. I don't know her. I just saw her on the morning bus. There was a sunshiny day. And then I realized that I like watching people. I am interested in their appearance, taste, style, their voice, their eradiation. So I found this girl.. red hair, black leather jacket, dark blue backpack with white dots. Dark blue and black aren't my favourite colours, but in this case they were exciting, even this inspired me.
I know her name, because she made a phone call :)
So I realized that I like watching, even knowing people.. That was an interesting morning. Since then I like to pay attention people - girls, boys, elder people, children, anyone. The point is that he/she has to be special for me because of something :)

Ezen a héten egy lány inspirált. Nem ismerem őt, csak láttam a reggeli buszon. Egy napsütéses nap volt. Aztán egyszercsak tudatosult bennem, hogy szeretem nézni az embereket. Érdekel a megjelenésük, az ízlésük, a stílusuk, a hangjuk, a kisugárzásuk. Szóval találtam ezt a lányt.. vörös haj, fekete bőrdzseki, sötétkék hátizsák fehér pöttyökkel. A sötétkék és a fekete nem a kedvenc színeim, de ebben az esetben nagyon izgalmasak voltak, sőt inspiráltak engem.
A nevét pedig azért tudom, mert telefonált :)
Szóval rájöttem, hogy szeretem nézni az embereket, sőt megismerni is őket.. Ez egy érdekes reggel volt. Azóta szeretek figyelni rájuk - lányokra, fiúkra, idősebbekre, gyerekekre, bárkire. A lényeg, hogy különlegesnek kell lennie számomra valamiért :)

The result will be this brooch: 

Music for this week:
Florence and the Machine - Shake it out

Florence and the Machine - Landscape

For more weekly inspiration click here!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

my favourite etsy sellers - week one: IrenkaR

My favourite etsy seller this week is IrenkaR :)
The reason why I chose her now: her brooches and earrings so fine and cute and I like her colours and the pictures behind the products!

'I love everything creative and positive.'
check Irina's fb page, etsy shop and blog :)

And why did I do this post? Because I can't create nowdays too much, but I like my blog, so I want to write posts. Now about others. So I'm going to show you wonderful etsy sellers :)

Monday, 13 May 2013

my inspiration - week one: Come With Me To Touch The Sky

My mood nowdays is inspirated by the picture from left above. My thoughts are around dreaming, flying, sky, sunshine, love, bright colours.. If I have time and appropriate supplies, I'm making something inspirated by these things. Maybe a brooch.. ;)

A hangulatom mostanság a bal fenti kép inspirálja. A gondolataim álmodozás, repülés, égbolt, napfény, szerelem, világos színek körül forognak.. Ha lesz időm és megfelelő eszközeim, készítek valamit, amit ezek a dolgok inspirálnak. Talán egy brosst ;)

1. via
2. via
3. somewhere from pinterest
4. via 

And a little music for this week:

Ben Howard - Old Pine

Friday, 10 May 2013

Fashion and Textile Museum

I attended at a workshop in London!! :) I was scared that I can't understand the teacher or the others, but I had just little problems :) And I visited my first exhibition here :)
So I spend the rest of my day in the Fashion and Textile Museum. Firstly I saw the Kaffe Fassett (web) exhibition. I show you a lot of pictures instead of a lot of speaking :)

Részt vettem egy workshopon Londonban!! :) Féltem, hogy nem értem a tanárt vagy a többieket, de csak egész kicsi problémáim akadtak végül :) És megnéztem az első kiállításom itt :)
Szóóval a napom nagy részét a londoni textilmúzeumban töltöttem. Először a Kaffe Fassett (web) kiállítást néztem meg. Mutatok képeket inkább sok szöveg helyett :)

first photo when I entered
első kép, amikor beléptem
I liked the contrast between the colorful textiles and the black and white decoration :)
Tetszett a kontraszt a színes textilek és a fekete-fehér dekoráció közt :)

patterns :)
minták :)

Please Don't Touch, Please DO touch, Please Don't Touch :)
Ne érj hozzá, ÉRJ hozzá, Ne érj hozzá :)

I adore these pullovers
imádom ezeket a pulcsikat

via: internet

So the exhibition was really cool :) And we could watch two interviews with Kaffe Fassett!! It is fantastic that he speaks about colours and his inspiration!

Szóval a kiállítás szuper volt :) És 2 interjút is megnézhettünk az alkotóról!! Fantasztikus, ahogy beszél a színekről és az inspirálódásáról!
cool pouffes, aren't they? :)
klassz puffok, nem? :)
The workshop was not bad, but we didn't learn anything. We drew two dresses on manikins. The teacher was nice, and gave some advice, but I thought we can know new techniques. Even so I enjoyed the workshop too of course, just I wanted to know new things :)

A workshop maga nem volt rossz, de nem tanultunk semmit. Rajzoltunk két ruhát szabóbabán. A tanár aranyos volt, és adott néhány tanácsot, de én azt hittem, megismerhetünk több új technikát. Ennek ellenére persze én élveztem, csak új dolgokat akartam megismerni :)

this was the 'classroom' :)
ez volt az 'osztályterem' :)

this is my drawing during half an hour.. I haven't drawn since I graduated, and that was 3 years ago, so it has mistakes, but I'm happy that I could draw again :)
ez pedig az én fél órás rajzom.. Nem rajzoltam, mióta lediplomáztam, annak meg már 3 éve, szóval vannak hibái, de örülök, hogy újra rajzolhattam :)