Wednesday 18 September 2013

The theme of September: coffee

It's a little bit late to start a new theme this month. But I didn't have time earlier. I changed a job. This inspirated the theme of this month: coffee.. So I work in a caffe :) I can make and see a lot of beautiful, delicious, interesting coffee every day.

Egy kicsit kèsô most kezdeni egy új tèmàt. De koràbban nem volt idôm. Munkàt vàltottam. Ez ihlette a hònap témáját: kávé.. Szóval egy kávézóban dolgozom :) Rengeteg gyönyörû, finom, érdekes kávét látok és készíthetek nap mint nap.

this picture was inspired by Cara Carmina and Viktorija aaand coffee of course :)
I started to draw just simple quick drawings about cups, coffees when I started the job. And then I let inspired me by them :) 

Egyszerû, gyors rajzokat kezdtem készíteni a csészékrôl, kávékròl, mikor elkezdtem dolgozni. 

I hope you can read my handwriting :)
The first brooch is a 'coffeebean', the second is a 'cup of coffee with cream on top' (seeing from above). :)

So they are my new brooches inspired by coffee.

Remélem, el tudjátok olvasni a kézírásom :)
Az elsô bross egy 'kávébab', a második egy 'csésze kávé habbal' (felülnézetbôl). :)

Szóval ôk az én kávé inspirálta brossaim.

Monday 16 September 2013

A brooch..

Nowdays I don't have any time to continue my blogpost-series, but I will soon :) And I barely can create something.. But sometimes I can.. :)

Mostanában nincs időm folytatni a bejegyzés-sorozataimat, de hamarosan fogom :) És alig tudok alkotni is valamit.. De néha megy.. :)

brooch inspired by the leaf in the back

Friday 6 September 2013

Two collections based on brown

Sometimes I like making collections.. Maybe someone has a really good sister or friend and they like similar colours and they would like to use similar fannys.. maybe :) So there are three bags in brown and mustard and three in brown and mauve - I hope you'll like them :)