Saturday, 19 October 2013

First attempts with shrink plastic

Inspired by the leaf-drawings what I made earlier.

I tried to print on them, I mean I copied my drawing to a shrink plastic, and the result was quite good :)

And they are my very first attempt. I drew them with the pen on the picture. They are a bit tiny, but I like them :)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


The theme of the month is 'leaves'. But I found some other interesting plants :)

I simplified it in just black and in plane.

I designed some patterns as well.

And I played a little with colours and paints.
I'd like to collect interesting inspiration, draw, paint, practice more and more.. :)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The theme of October: leaves

Today is first of October, so time to start a new theme :) Which is of course is autumn, leaves, browns, reds, yellows, ochres and some green.. :) 

Október egy van, itt az idő új témát kezdeni :) Ami persze mi más lehetne, mint ősz, levelek, barnák, pirosak, sárgák, okkerek és némi zöld.. :)

I've collect some fallen leaves

and some pattern-plans inspired by the leaves

and here is an earlier brooch inspired by a leaf :)